Indonesia got the opportunity to launch the first Nokia Asha 205 in the world. On the sidelines of the launch, also introduced Asha 206 which has a quirky design is also very attractive price. Not only rely on low price but embedded in Nokia Asha 205 features from Nokia, the Facebook button built-in. Dedicated keys for direct access to social jejering Facebook. Nokia Asha 205 makes the first Nokia phone to menggunkaan this Facebook button. So Asha 205 considered suitable for users who want instant access to their Facebook profile. QWERTY keypad mounted on the body, this will make it easier to enter text especially Nokia Asha 205 is equipped with eBuddy application natively. Users will receive notifications when there are incoming messages even if the service eBuddy is turned off. Another plus eBuddy, able to bring Facebook Chat, Yahoo Messenger, Windows Live, and ICQ in one application. Besides eBuddy is also embedded applications Twitter and support push mail service. Nokia...
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