Now Samsung brings Galaxy Chat B5330 combines a mobile phone with touch screen and QWERTY keypad. Judging from its name, this smartphone seems to favor particularly the chat feature Samsung Galaxy Chat has implanted Samsung chaton chat application which is a messaging service that is cross platform. Carrying the touch screen with 3-inch diagonal field that has supported multitouch interface Touchwiz UX and UI with a resolution of 240 x 320 pixels and up to 133 ppi pixel density. Samsung Galaxy Chat comes with dimensions of 118.9 x 59.3 x 11.7 mm and weighs 112 g. Chatting Applications Samsung Chaton could say its use is similar to Yahoo! Messenger or WhatsApp. But with Samsung Chaton users can chat with someone, group chat, group messaging, sharing pictures, videos, voice messages, contacts and more. Moreover, Samsung Galaxy Chat using the QWERTY keypad chattingan certainly easier and cool. Single-side rear camera with 2MP resolution capabilities without the support of flash or...
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